All Six books in the Children's Problem Solving Series Set

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Order the entire series of six books:

Useful for 3 - 8 years old

I Want It: Megan and Amy both want to play with the same truck at the same time. Megan's got the truck, so ask your child what Amy can do. The goal: to think of several ways of solving the problem.

I Want To Play: Danny is tired of playing alone. He wants to play with Paul and Annie, but he's unsure how to join them. Your child gets to choose what Danny can do first. If this doesn't work, you can choose again and again.

I'm Lost: Gabriela and her father become separated while visiting the zoo. She's worried that she won't find him. What can she do? Includes a parent who uses a wheelchair.

Mommy Don't Go: Matthew is unhappy: his mother is going away on a trip and he will have to stay with a babysitter. What can he do to feel better?

My Name Is Not Dummy: Jenny doesn't like it when Eduardo calls her names. But what can she do? Your child can decide. If the first suggestion doesn't work, you can try again.

I Can't Wait: Amy is having fun jumping on the mattress, but Luke wants a turn (And he wants it NOW!). What can Luke do? What can Amy do?