Dominoes is a new line of therapeutic/counseling games that puts the fun of playing dominoes to work helping kids
learn important skills. These games are for elementary
school students. 2 5 players.
In this new game, players have fun playing dominoes while learning to manage their anger and problem-solve in a thoughtful, assertive, and respectful way. Before playing a domino, a player picks a card from one of four decks and either answers a question or practices a skill. The Angry or Not cards give players practice distinguishing between situations that generally cause people to get angry and situations where anger is inappropriate. The Skills cards give players practice using a set of skills to help ontrol their anger. Skills include thinking first, taking deep breaths, being assertive rather than aggressive, etc. The
Action cards give practice dealing with anger in pro-social and appropriate ways.
The My Anger Stories cards give players a chance to share the kinds of things that make them angry and demonstrate how to successfully deal with such situations and the resulting anger.
Grades 15