Pet owners and in particular dog trainers, have discovered Benny Bully's Bison Liver Chops® as a nutritious, pure and natural alternative to traditional pet treats. We developed an innovative cutting and drying process, as an alternative to conventional food preservatives, making Benny Bullys® one of the few “no chemicals added” treats on the market today. Made from pure natural bison livers, we sliced and specially sized each piece to provide easy feeding, maximum palatability and attract the most hard to please pets. Benny Bullys® pure natural fillets of bison liver, offer your pet a full true flavour. Benny Bullys® is hand selected from government inspected meat sections for the health conscious pet owner. THE ORIGINAL SINGLE INGREDIENT PET TREAT NO ADDITIVES, FILLERS, COLORING OR PRESERVATIVES
- Small Cubes for training
- Single ingredient: Pure Bison Liver
- Made in Canada
- No Offshore Sources
- Low Calories Per Treat
- Healthy Bison Liver Protein Freeze Dried, Using Innovative Process of Cold Forming with Temperature Control
- Easy to break pieces Irresistible Aroma Renowned by dog trainers as a great training treat
- No Additives, No Coloring, No Preservatives
- Pure human edible government inspected meat
- Re-sealable packaging Natural calcium and phosphorus present for strong teeth and bones
- Contains natural fibre for optimal digestion
- Contains natural vitamins for healthy skin and coat
- A healthy snack to take for a walk, or add as part of a nutritious meal