Don't Squeal Unless It's A Big Deal: A Tale of Tattletales

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By Jeanie Franz Ransom, MA & Jackie Ubanovic

Although most kids' problems are kid-sized ones that they can work out themselves, tattling is a fact of life for young children. Their ability to solve problems on their own is just developing, and they often feel they can't manage a situation without help from an adult. As every teacher and parent knows, kids also tattle on their classmates and siblings because they want to look like the "good child," or be appreciated as helpful, or even just get some attention. And of course, kids sometimes tattle as a means of getting back at another child, especially a bigger brother or sister.

Don't Squeal Unless It's a Big Deal helps kids learn when telling is appropriate and when it is merely squealing. With warmth and humor, this story for young grade-schoolers offers easy guidelines so that kids know when to talk to each other, and when to call in the grown-ups. A Note to Teachers and Parents is also included.

Elementary school counselor Jeanie Franz Ransom, M.A., decided that this story needed to be told when she found that each school year there was an outbreak of tattling that could be contained with some strategic tactics and tips. The author lives in St. Louis, Missouri, with her husband and three sons, who, of course, never tattle. This is her third children's book.


Jackie Urbanovic's work in the field of children's illustration includes educational books and games as well as picture books. The Bully Blockers and Horace the Horrible were included in the Oppenheim Toy Portfolio and Bank Street College selections of best books for 2004. Jackie lives in Silver Spring, Maryland, with two frisky dogs and two lovable cats who give her lots of inspiration and attention.

iParenting Media Award Winner!

32 pages, Color,8" x 10", suitable for ages4-8