Dominoes is a new line of therapeutic/counseling games that puts the fun of playing dominoes to work helping kids
learn important skills. These games are for elementary
school students. 2 to 5 players.
In this new game, players have fun playing dominoes while learning how to express positive and negative feelings appropriately, recognize feelings, and care about the feelings of others. Before playing a domino, a player picks a card from one of four decks and either answers a question or practices a skill. The Understanding the Feelings of Others cards help players learn to accurately perceive feelings in others. This is a vital skill for developing empathy. The Four W's cards help players identify feelings and how to deal appropriately with difficult feelings; each question starts with Who, What, Why, or When. The Action cards give players practice dealing with situations that involve strong feelings. The Talk about a Time cards help players identify their feelings and give them the opportunity to share with other players situations that evoked a variety of feelings.
Grades 15