Liking Myself (3rd Edition) (handling stress, depression & feeling overwhelmed)

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Liking Myself offers advice on how to handle oneself when feeling depressed, upset, or overwhelmed. Topics include: liking yourself, feeling talk, allowing, letting go, and body talk.

Feelings are good friends. Feelings can let us know what is happening, what we want, what is important to us. They tell you when you need to take care of yourself, like finding a friend if you feel lonely, crying if you feel sad, singing and smiling if you feel happy, and acting frisky if you feel good.

An international bestseller, Liking Myself gives children age 5 to 10 tools for developing self-awareness, managing emotions, and letting go of negativity. They learn to understand, listen to and talk about their feelings. They learn to handle themselves when they feel upset or over-whelmed. This charmingly illustrated and hand-lettered book is loaded with ideas and exercises to improve self-esteem and well-being. It builds self-confidence, responsible behavior and a strong sense of self.

The book includes a note to the young reader by the author, psychologist Pat Palmer, Ed.D.

Dr. Pat Palmer is author of many books for children, tweens, and adults. A clinical psychologist and former Director of the Assertiveness Training Institute in Denver, Dr. Pat Palmer continues to write at her home on Maui.

Illustrator, Betty Shondeck isa retired elementary school art teacher living in Denver.

Paperback, 102 pages, 8 x 6 x 0.3 inches, suitable for ages 5 to 10 years