PetAlive KC-Defense combines herbal and homeopathic ingredients with selected biochemic tissue salts for the treatment and prevention of Kennel cough and other respiratory tract infections in pets. It may be used preventatively (especially before visits to the vet, kennels, cattery etc) or acutely to treat an active infection.
What is Kennel Cough?
Kennel cough is a highly contagious upper respiratory infection that often affects animals that are kept in a confined space such as boarding kennels, dog shows or veterinary hospitals. Symptoms include a persistent dry hacking cough or bouts of deep harsh coughing often followed by gagging, which may produce a foamy mucus.
100% Herbal & Homeopathic Ingredients
- Plantago lanceolata is an herbal remedy well known for treating dry coughs. It is also an effective expectorant and anti-catarrhal and helps to expel mucus build up in the lungs. This medicinal herb is also approved by the German Commission E for internal use to ease coughs and mucous membrane irritation associated with upper respiratory tract infections. Clinical studies have supported its effectiveness in the treatment of bronchitis.
Bryonia C6 is a proven homeopathic remedy which is very effective for the treatment of coughs and dry mucus membranes, as well as the clearing of mucus from the chest.
Echinacea purpurea is one of the top selling herbs for the treatment of colds, flu and other viral infections. Clinical trials have proved its effectiveness in a variety of settings. Studies have shown that Echinacea works by preventing the formation of hyaluronidase - an enzyme that is known to break the cell barriers between healthy tissue and pathogenic organisms like viruses. This immune boosting herb has also been successfully used to restore immune functioning in patients who have undergone chemotherapy and during recovery and convalescence from major illness. - Ferrum Phosphate C6 (Ferrum Phos.) is one of the most important biochemic tissue salts to use when there is any infection or inflammation in the body. It helps to distribute iron and oxygen throughout the body, strengthen cell walls and fight infection.
- Kalium Sulphate C6 (Kali. Sulph.) This biochemic tissue salt is essential for distributing life giving oxygen throughout the body and keeping cell membranes in peak health. It is often called the 'natural antibiotic' of the tissue salts and together with Ferrum Phos. can treat both the initial, secondary and third stages of infection. Kali. Sulph. is used for a variety of chest infections, including chronic cough, asthma, bronchitis and even pneumonia.
- Magnesium Phosphate C6 (Mag. Phos.) is a natural painkiller and antispasmodic and is very helpful for bronchial spasms and other forms of spasmodic cough.
- Lactose (inactive ingredient)
*Claims based on traditional theories of homeopathic practice from the 1700s, not accepted by most modern medical experts or supported by scientific evidence*