Words Are Not for Hurting/Las palabras no son para lastimar (Board Book)

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by Elizabeth Verdick and illustrated by Marieka Heinlen

Now in English and Spanish! This bilingual edition includes all of the children's text along with a section for parents, teachers, and caregivers in both languages.

Children are known for speaking their minds. We cant expect them to watch every word, but we can help them to understand that their words affect other people. We can gently guide them to choose words that are helpful instead of hurtful, and to say two very important wordsIm sorrywhen hurtful words come out before they can stop them.

Words Are Not for Hurting/Las palabras no son para lastimar helps little ones ages 3 and under learn big ideas: that they are responsible for what they do and say, that their actions and words affect others, and that they can make positive choices. Simple words and delightful full-color illustrations make it perfect for reading aloud one-on-one or in small groups. The book also includes helpful tips for parents and caregivers.

24 pages, illustrated, board book, full-color, 7 x 7, baby to preschool